We offer creative services and solutions in the field of cybersecurity

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our vision

Enhancing the culture of reconnaissance and examining potential risks to raise security and confidence in the Saudi cyberspace.

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Our message

Provide Cybersecurity Services and Solutions compatible with the requirements of the National Cybersecurity Authority to contribute to securing sensitive data and assets and distinguish weakness before it turns into a cyber threat.


Upgrading the cyber resilience of people and threat intelligence by giving proactive data to cyber threats.

Availability to confront cyber threats through early alerts of suspicious behaviour.

Define and implement the minimum requirements for protection and active the resilience of cybersecurity.

Empowering people and organization to utilize Social Media by executing integrity and information assurance in a protected and dependable way.

Attention to cybersecurity risks and adhering to the guidelines of the National Cybersecurity Authority.

who we are?

We enhance resilience to renewed cyber threats

SECURITY PRINT Corporation for Cybersecurity was established in 2021 to provide professional Cybersecurity services and solutions with qualified national cadres to meet the needs of individuals or organizations and confront renewable cyber threats and risks, thus contributing to enhancing security and confidence in Saudi cyberspace.

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our initiatives


Achieve community awareness, through our participation as a community initiative in the #be_Conscious Exhibition, which was organized by the Ministry of Education, through awareness the community to identify attacks and risks that affect information assets. And the individual's role is to report the cyber incident to the competent government agencies to respond quickly to cyber incidents.

our solutions

We offer the best advanced cybersecurity solutions

Benefit of our resources from your facility's cybersecurity services and solutions, managed according to your business requirements. Try the cyber proactive threats feature along with AI and machine learning that has proven its ability to handle all processes, and to enhance your activity by detecting threats and risks of information assets.

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Data security is a perspective that ought to constantly be remembered to prevent data theft in any capacity.

A proactive security strategy where the phases of "Intelligence Cycle" are followed in obtaining examined data about the organization's recent, current, and possible attacks through proactive Threat Intelligence disclosure. It comprises six phases: planning, gathering, processing, examination, dissemination, and evaluation, where we plan to detect sensitive or leaked information and assets to provide the organization with a report explaining the suspicious behaviors that have been spotted to take a multi-level security defense-in-depth measure and to swiftly respond to cyber incidents, which empowers it to avoid the cyber-attack and take advantage of the leaked information that may expose it to a current or future cyber threat.

Social Media Intelligence

Recently, the trading, flow, and spillage of information of Organizations/ High Profile Individuals (HPI) and selling them have become inescapable, especially on social media, representing high disasters and risks to the Organization's/HPI's Assets!!

The most common way of recognizing, gathering and examining information from Social Media is to collect valuable information. We utilize open source and/or commercial tools to figure out users, identify influencers, measure customer sentiment, and screen content like news, photos, posts, and other publicly available data, and also to furnish the organization's incident response team with a report highlighting what has been discovered from data leakage that poses risks to the organization's assets on social media.

Brand Protection

Recently, there has been a great theft and infringement of the brand and intellectual property digitally on social media by creating a fake/ impersonate account or a fake brand application containing malware or other cyber-attacks which expose organizations to risks and threats.

We are attempting to recognize organizations’ brand spoofing by using the science of Open Source INTelligence (OSINT), tracking and monitoring systems to upgrade cybersecurity resilience from risks and threats that exist through computerized diverts to accomplish brand integrity.

Early-warning Email & Password security notifications

A large portion of internet platforms require registration through the user's e -mail, and these platforms might be exposed to a cyber-attack, which may sometimes lead to the leakage of their databases, including the user's email data. At times, the email that was registered is followed by the organization in which he/she works!

We look to identify these risks with quick cautions for the leakage of email data from the early warning system; By configuring the system with the user’s e-mail effectively, fully intent to alert the users if a break of one of the passwords of his email is distinguished in one of the leaked databases, and if the e-mail registration belongs to his organization, the user is warned to communicate with cybersecurity experts in his organization to rapidly incident response.

our achievements

Our Numbers Shows Our Success


200 million open sources of information on the Internet.


120 human languages in instantaneous monitoring


150 of our voluntary initiatives


3 Cyber Solutions

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Advanced cyber solutions, towards a secure digital future

Contact us and schedule your meeting at your convenient time and customize our solutions according to your business requirements.

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Eastern Province - Al Ahsa - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Working hours: Saturday - Thursday, 9AM - 5PM